P.O. Box 729-110 Pt. Gibson St. - Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 783-2441
Terry's Creek News 3/10/22
Catherine Brown
Music and singing were such a blessing last Sunday. Dennis Lea sang the special music for the morning service and was so very good. Bro. LaVerne Summerlin brought a wonderful message in the morning and evening worship service. Then after the evening service, there was a time of ‘singing round the piano’ and a good group enjoyed this time and it was very good to listen to them. Everyone who participated in this group singing should gather in the choir this coming Sunday because you sounded very good. Now we know all of you can sing very well.
The Golden Agers met last Friday for their monthly meeting. Martha Burrow called the meeting to order and Brent Robinson led in a hymn. Martha read the minutes from their previous meeting. Jet Easterling gave the devotion. Rachel Freeman shared in song with them. Others attending were Bro. LaVerne Summerlin, Joan McDaniel, Rose Roberts, Emma Stewart, and Tom Stockwell. Everyone enjoyed a bountiful meal. And they have another trip planned soon.
Please remember in prayer; Bobby McDaniel who is recovering from surgery and is at home; Beth Spencer also recovering at home from knee surgery; Melvyn Rhodus; Jeanette Welch taking chemo every two weeks; Elaine Williams Hutchins needs our prayers. Lift these up in prayer.
This is the time for our Annie Armstrong Easter offering and the goal is $2,500.00.
The Golden Ager for the week is Armond Ray Lea so remember him with a call, card or visit. He is a resident of Camellia Estates, Hall D, Room 5, 1714 White St., McComb, MS 39648.
Remember the Time Change is March 12 at 2:00 am.
I am so thankful for this warmer weather we have been having. I do not like the cold.
Happy Birthday to Brianna Craft March 11 who shares same birthday with her Mom Prissy Craft March 11; and Joshua Tate March 15.
A Prayer is Something We Give
A prayer is something we give to God; When we want to say Hi.
It’s also how we ask for things; When we wish, hope or cry.
A prayer is something we give ourselves; To ease our troubled mind. It helps to know we have the ear; Of someone very kind.
A prayer is something we give to friends, Family, and strangers too. Prayer is always the answer to: “Is there anything I can do?”
So take the time to pray today; It doesn’t matter from whom. Peace of mind is moments away..
So get to praying soon!
Author Unknown