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Raymond Library Memorial Day Story Time

Donuts on Cake

RAYMOND LIBRARY STORY TIME--- In honor of Memorial Day and all the heroes who lost their lives to keep our country safe. We invited Army National Guardsmen First Sgt. Casy Thornton and Sgt. Jobe to join us for story time at the Raymond Public Library. The children presented Army National Guardsmen First Sgt. Casey Thornton and Sgt. Jobe with poster-sized thank-you cards to thank them for their service. The children enjoyed the stories, Memorial Day by Emma Berne and What Does It Mean to Be American? by Rana Dioria and Elad Yora read by First Sgt. Thornton and Sgt. Jobe. The Army Guardsmen also assisted the children with their craft—a red, white, and blue wreath.
(The Raymond Public Library offers story time every Friday 10am - 11am.)

Donuts on Cake
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