P.O. Box 729-110 Pt. Gibson St. - Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 783-2441
Progress News 3/10/22
Aline Knippers
It was a good day at Progress BC with Bro. Dan telling the story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel from Genesis. He has been preaching on the women of the Bible that we sometimes forget. However it was an important lesson and we thank him for reminding us. Hailey sang the special “Never grow old”.
Now, let me tell you about Saturday evening. We were highly entertained and blessed by Ventriloquist, John Yates from Yazoo City. We enjoyed meeting his sweet wife Pat. It’s hard to tell you about this performance, you just needed to be there. If you want to see it, look on Bro. Dan Pardue’s facebook site. You will see today’s service and scroll on down a little for John Yates. We were honored by having some of the folks from Bala Chitto and Mt. Zion Churches joining us for this.
There was a baby shower for Laken and Jonathan Sumrall after church. I wasn’t feeling well but Bernice said it was a really good one. I left my gift before church this morning and I wish I could have been there. We love y’all.
My sister, Kathy Fortenberry, will have a reverse shoulder surgery on the 10th. This is a most uncomfortable surgery and I hate to see her go through this. I’ve had one and know what it is like. So please keep her in your prayers.
My son-in-law, Steve Bankston’s nephew had an auto accident on the 27th on the way to church. He has a broken femur and also had to have a bowel resection. His girlfriend was bruised. He will be moved this coming week to rehab in Baton Rouge.
There was another accident this week on the Magnolia Progress Rd. Two young men on their way to school lost control. On our way to therapy, we saw this huge motor in the middle of the road and crumpled car in the ditch. They had hit a tree, I think, but were ok. It still puzzles me the way the motor was laying intact in the road. Just so thankful that all these young people lived through this.
Pray also for Ukraine. This is a terrible time for them and there are so many people displaced and many killed. Lord! we pray for peace.
Happy birthday wishes for next week go to Danny Long and Jarrod Fortinberry 13th; Obie Simmons and Johnny Smith 14th; My granddaughter Jessica Knippers 15th; Jessica Bankston, Lusia Barlow, Kevin Primeaux 17th; Shirley Estess and Ira Williams on the 18th.
Gene and I have an anniversary on the 14th and we just may go to the coast. We’ll see! Our granddaughter Samantha and husband Michael Weaver have an anniversary on the 17th.
Daylight savings time begins on the 13th. I always hate to lose that hour.
The roads around here are still so bad and I want our supervisor to know that my soapbox is still ready but we love you though. There is so much to write about and I always run out of space. So maybe next week I can do more.
“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us form the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” --- Romans 8:39
Have a safe and blessed week, Aline.