P.O. Box 729-110 Pt. Gibson St. - Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 783-2441
Progress News
Aline Knippers
Church at Progress was really good this morning. Our choir started it off by singing “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” Bro. Dan sang “His eye is on the Sparrow” accompanying himself on the guitar, and it was beautiful.
Bro. Dan followed with a sermon on ‘A new Heaven.’ It was really good. The main scripture was Revelation 21:1-5. It was so full of hope and love.
Our Sunday school lesson was about forgiveness. We need to forgive completely like Joseph did. Forgiveness is important to our Lord and a believer has no choice but to forgive.
Our next Bible study will be on 2-23 at 7pm, after prayer meeting. It is after our 6pm prayer meeting.
Seven year old Harper Hart, daughter of Candi Rimes, will be leaving on 2-28 with her mother to go to Boston’s Children’s Hospital. She will have a week of tests before her surgery which is scheduled for March 8th. Prayers are needed.
Erin and Connor Alford’s baby shower will be in the Progress Fellowship Hall on Feb. 27, from 2-4 pm. It’s a Boy! They are registered at Target and Amazon.
On March 6th, from 2-4 pm, there will be a baby shower for Laken and Jonathan Sumrall in the PBC Fellowship Hall. It’s a Boy!
Ventriloquist, John Yates, will be at Progress on Sat., March 5th at 6 pm. People from other area churches are planning to join us for this.
Another Paint Class is scheduled for March 7th at 6 pm in Progress Fellowship Hall. Call Bernice at 601-248-6605 for info. There is a fee and the artist furnishes everything.
Happy birthday next week to Peyton Jones and Abby Travis March 1st; Victor Brumfield, Bud Harper, Elizabeth McManus, Bro. Josh Morea, Bonnie Rimes 2nd; Anna Gibbs 4rd; Lori Fortenberry, Lee Honea, Abby McCoy, Sharon Rimes 4th; and Bro. Pat Bourge and Lee McCoy on the 5th.
Anniversaries for March are Mark and Judy Johnson; Russell and Rachel Wallace both on March 3rd. Congratulations!
I haven’t done this for a long time but I think it is time for the old soap box to come out. Have you been on the Magnolia Progress Road lately? It is a mess with trash on the sides of the road. Lazy people just throw it out instead of taking it home and putting it in their trash can. I sure wish they would keep a little bag in their car for this. Of course this is not the only road like this and I-55 is bad too. Where has the pride gone.
I’m not through yet, but the Magnolia-Progress Road is terrible with so many pot holes, etc. About 2 miles before you get to Progress, you can hardly drive on, it will ruin your car and with the price of cars now, we have to keep this one.
Now for McComb, which looks hopeless. We are going to physical therapy 3 days a week and I hate the drive. The good that therapy does is undone by the time we travel these roads and get home. I don’t know what the problem is but it needs to be addressed.
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
--- Matthew 6:14,15