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(601) 783-2441
President Bill Clinton and Haley Barbour Remember the Winters
CLINTON AND BARBOUR CELEBRATE LIVES OF WILLIAM AND ELISE WINTER--- At a memorial service held at the Two Mississippi Museums in Jackson on May 3, former President Bill Clinton and former Governor Haley Barbour delivered remarks at COVID-delayed memorial services for former Mississippi Governor William Winter, who died in 2020, and his wife Elise Winter, who died in 2021. Gov. Winter spearheaded the creation of the Two Mississippi Museums. Clinton recalled coming to Mississippi as Arkansas Governor and staying with the Winters at the Governor’s Mansion, even bringing a small keep-sake from the stay, which he is holding above left. Winter served as Governor in the early 1980s and is remembered for his educational reforms and his gentlemanly leadership. His wife Elise was active in Habitat for Humanity and played a key role in its work in Mississippi. Gov. Barbour remembered that it was William Winter and Judge Reuben Anderson, who was also on the stage, who brought him the plan to develop the Two Mississippi Museums. The plan was approved and funded during Barbour’s tenure as Governor. Barbour made Clinton laugh during his comments, as can be seen on the right. Also on the stage was Spence Flatgard of Jackson, Mississippi Archives Board President. (GAZETTE photos by L. Lampton)