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Pages from the Gazette’s Past: 1962
Mary Kuhn
Hinds County Gazette
RHS Band Wins Superior Rating at Band Festival
Packed with determination, desire and enthusiasm and ably led by its excellent director, Thomas Christopher, affectionately known to his band a “Mr. C.”, the ‘61-’62 Raymond Ranger Band received the highest rating ever received by the Raymond group. The band as a whole showed its superior nature in concert, Field Maneuvers, and Inspection, while Mike Jones, the “No. 1” band’s student conductor, received superior on his direction on the band and Ann Stephenson took a superior rating as the Signal Drum Major.
The band began its rigid inspection at 8:40 a.m. in the Mississippi College Auditorium. It present4ed a concert which consisted of three tunes: Brighten Beach, by Latham; Aria and Fugue, by Handel; and Fantasy on American Sailing Songs. At the conclusion of its first performance, the band immediately went to the Sight Reading Room where the band made its only falter from straight superiors of the day receiving an excellent rating in Sight Reading. Then returning at 6:00 p.m. for its marching show, the band performed with vim and vigor and brought home the first superior rating ever received by Raymond in Field Maneuvers.