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Cadet Bailey Barnes Receives DAR JROTC Medal

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DAR JROTC MEDAL--- Pictured above Cadet Bailey Barnes, second from left, is the DAR Outstanding JROTC Cadet holding her certificate and wearing the medal she earned. Pictured above from left to right: Robin Lackey, Cadet Barnes, Beverly Rodriguez, a member of the DAR National Defense Committee, Copiah Chapter, and Marsha Pickard. Robin, Beverly and Marsha are also representing the Copiah Chapter, MSSDAR American Heritage, History, Americanism, DAR Manuel for Citizenship, and DAR Service for Veterans Committees.

Cadet Bailey Barnes was selected by the Terry High School JROTC Military Science Instructor SFC Terrell E. Burnett from 6 candidates meeting the requirements for the DAR JROTC Outstanding Cadet Medal. He reported, “We have six candidates this year that meet the DAR requirements. The one that stands out the most is Bailey Barnes.” The requirements for the Outstanding Cadet are loyalty, patriotism, dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, military achievement, scholastic achievement of upper 25% of all classes JROTC and academic, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training.

Prior to the presentation ceremony, the two Military Science Instructors, LTC Donald O. Young and SFC Burrell accompanied the cadets from the main campus to the JROTC Building classrooms. Cadet Bailey Barnes is a junior level student and the Company Commander of sophomore level cadets. Barnes called the company formation to attention and led an impressive recitation of the JROTC Cadet Creed and the Preamble of the Constitution. The cadets were ordered to parade rest during the presentation of the DAR Outstanding JROTC Medal and certificate. Barnes dismissed the cadets to the classroom.

An article in the Terry Bulldog newsletter answers the question, What is JROTC? “Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a leadership education and Training Course to enhance young adolescent leadership abilities. The Instructors are retired Commission Officers and Enlisted Seniors Non commissioned Officers. The program consists of four levels beginning with the Leadership Education and Training (LET 1), then (LET 2), next (LET 3) and finally LET 4. The program has been accredited by the national accrediting agency known as AdvancED( JROTC curriculum delivers reasonable and stimulating academic content and accurate learning experiences for all Cadets. The curriculum is rigorous and relevant to 21st century education.”

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a women’s service organization whose members can trace their lineage to an individual who contributed to securing American independence during the Revolutionary War. Today’s DAR is dynamic and diverse, with over 185,000 members in 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. DAR members annually provide millions of hours of volunteer service to their local communities across the country and world. DAR chapters participate in projects to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Over one million members have joined the organization since its founding in 1890. Copiah Chapter was organized in March 1909 and today provides volunteer service to the communities of Crystal Springs and the Byram, and Terry Schools.

If you are interested in learning more about DAR and DAR membership,go or contact the Copiah Chapter, MSSDAR Regent Dr. Linda Channell at 601-940-7130 or email:

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