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Pages from the Gazette’s Past: 1932?

Mary Kuhn

Donuts on Cake

Hinds County Gazette December 1932?

Members of the Raymond Presbyterian church will present at the church Sunday night at 7 o’clock the Christmas Service. “There was No Room,” prepared by the Christian educational ministerial relief committee of the Southern Presbyterian Assembly.
Special musical numbers are interspersed through the program. The cast of characters includes the following:
Joseph and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bankston; innkeeper, O. V. Shearer; readers, Miss Louise McGee and Mrs. H. B. Gillespie; shepherds, C. C. Jones, Hugh Gillespie, Jr., and F. D. Stafford; wise men, H. B. Gillespie, J. D. Shearer, S. S. Roberson; angels, Miss Anna Bell Weems, Miss Mary Gillespie; travelers, Mrs. N. B. McNeill, Mrs. C. B. Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Cade Gillespie, Mrs. S. S. Roberson, Mrs. K. Robinette; Mrs. G. E. Linam, pianist; choir leader, Mrs. C. L. Long.

Donuts on Cake
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