P.O. Box 729-110 Pt. Gibson St. - Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 783-2441
Magnolia’s Public Works Department to Get New Equipment
Terry Jackson
The March monthly City of Magnolia Board meeting was held on March 1, 2022, at 5:30 pm in City Hall. There were 22 items posted to the agenda with variety of topics.
With respect to old business carried over from last month (Jan.), the board has previously approved the purchase of a new tractor and boom mower but failed to identify the payment terms. The cost of the tractor (New Holland TS 6.110 Hud Cab Tractor) is $62,688.74 and the boom mower (Tiger Bengal TRB-50-C Boom) is $59,766.00. During this month’s meeting the Board agreed to financing the tractor and boom with an Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement with Bancorp South Equipment Finance, a Division of Cadence Bank. The specific terms of the finance agreement were not discussed during the meeting. Additionally, an extend warranty/ maintenance plan for the equipment was approved.
Also during last months meeting, the Board agreed to donate $3,000 to the Alcorn State University Band Scholarship Program for their participation in the Magnolia Mardi Gras parade. During this meeting it was identified that donations totaling $221.80 were also received for band’s scholarship fund.
With respect to personnel actions, the Board accepted the resignation of Sevetrius Dillon from a Deputy Clerk position and accepted the termination of Troxey Bullock, who was hired in November 2021, from the Public Works Department. The Board also approved the hiring of Scotty Prine as a full-time police officer. Additionally, the Board approved raising the pay of all full-time police officers to a base salary of $15/hour and part-time officer to $13/hour. City Clerk, Tasha Dillon, was approved to attend the Mississippi Municipal Clerks and Collectors Association (MMCCA) 51st Annual Spring Conference in Ridgeland, MS, on April 27-29, 2022, including the CMO Elective Evening Class.
As you may recall from the November meeting there were discussions about cleaning up and expanding the Central Park located on Quinlivan Street. During this month’s meeting the Board agreed to accept the Mississippi Transportation Commission’s Federal Transportation Alternative (TA) Program funds, approved up to $268,128.00, requiring a 20% local match by the city. The newly acquired funds will be used to construct a walking trail.
Police Chief, Sonya Woodall, provided a Police Department report which included a murder that occurred this week on McKay Rd.; 32 disturbance calls; and 26 traffic citations.
Public Works Director, John Wilkinson, reported that the lift station at the Love’s Truck Stop area serving North-West Magnolia has been almost re-paired with the replacement of 2 pumps and a new control board to be installed in the coming weeks.
Fire Chief, Terrell Bell, reported 22 grass fires being responded to in the past week. This included both in city limits and in support of Pike county.
Zoning Officer, Smittie Buie, reported that 4 requests for trailers with 3 approvals granted. Mr. Buie also provided 3 distressed properties that needed to be cleaned up. These properties were located at 607 North Street, 270 Pine Street, and 965 Cunningham Street. A hearing for owners of these properties to come before the Board is set for April 5, 2022.
Mr. Buie also indicated that additional properties will be presented to the Board monthly in an effort to clean up our city of abandoned and distressed properties.
City Clerk, Tasha Dillon, reported $18,918 in water/sewer bill adjustments and $620 in credits for January and $3,003 collected in fines from City Court.